“Long-term unemployment has created self-doubt and imposter syndrome.”

 Being unemployed can leave you feeling disconnected since work is often how we interact with others in our society, even if we don't always love our jobs. It’s also how many of us create our sense of identity and self-worth. 

To counter this, start by reconnecting with your intrinsic value – focus on the qualities that make you who you are, like being a good listener and other traits you appreciate about yourself.

Next, give yourself purpose through meaningful projects. Keep your skills sharp and your mind engaged while also contributing to something larger than yourself. Consider mentoring or volunteering – this helps you plug back into humanity and reminds you that your worth extends far beyond employment status.

Take time to learn something new, too. Watching yourself improve at a skill can rebuild your sense of pride and accomplishment, something you might have been missing lately. When you can feel proud of yourself independently of external circumstances, you've built a powerful shield against life's uncertainties. And here's the interesting part: when you're engaged in meaningful activities and feeling confident in yourself, new opportunities tend to naturally come your way.

You got this 💪

x Claire

PS Have a situation you need guidance on? Submit your question here.


“My intense self-criticism kills all my ideas.”