"I've struggled to monetize my work (I want to help people who can't afford it!) and I hate promoting myself. Am I doomed to fail?"-Doomed to Fail

Dear Doomed to Fail,

Your struggle is one I've heard - and felt - so much over the years. Many of us, especially those from service-oriented backgrounds, have internalized the belief that making money somehow means taking from others. This creates a painful tension: we want to serve our community, but we also need to support ourselves and our families.

This is a false dichotomy.

When clients pay you fairly for your work, they're not just giving you money – they're investing in themselves. Think about times you've happily paid for something that truly served you. Did it feel like a loss, or did it feel like an investment in your growth?

Being the "cheap pick" might seem like a way to help others, but it often leads to being undervalued and burned out. When you undercharge, you're actually doing a disservice to both yourself and your industry. Instead:

  • Research market rates thoroughly (only talk to people who run businesses that are similar to you)

  • Position yourself at mid-market or slightly above

  • Consider offering payment plans instead of dramatically lowering your rates

Now, let's tackle the issue of not wanting to "self-promote."

Instead of seeing it as sales (ugh), or somehow separate from your paid work, consider it as the free version of what you do. (Which fulfills your desire to help people who can't afford you!) Things like webinars, downloadable guides, mini-lessons, etc..anything you can teach someone else to provide them value is what you put online.

This is the start of your pipeline to eventual sales, and when it gets to that point, it will be a self-selecting group of people who WANT to pay you because you save them time and provide personalized expertise.

Rather than viewing business as a zero-sum game, consider this perspective: your success can create more opportunity for others. When clients pay you well, you can:

  • Continue providing free resources to those who can't afford your services

  • Invest in your own growth, allowing you to serve others better

  • Create employment or collaboration opportunities

  • Set a positive example for others in your industry

Remember, building a sustainable creative business isn't just about making money – it's about creating a framework that allows you to serve others while taking care of yourself. The two aren't mutually exclusive; they're mutually reinforcing.

When you find yourself struggling with these issues, ask yourself: Am I seeing this as more binary than it needs to be? Is there a third way that honors both my need to earn and my desire to serve?

Your success isn't just about you – it's about creating a model that shows others it's possible to do well while doing good. That's not selfish; it's seriously inspiring.


"I have a secret desire to be an artist and writer, but I’m afraid to make my creative self my main self." - Anxious Artist